Welcome to this Small Business Gathering blog post on how to produce an entertainment arts event.

Yianni Stamas, founder of the Media Arts Blogs collection of The Arts and Media, is also the creator of the Celebify.com video mini podcast, featuring short educational videos that are never longer than 5 to 10 minutes each like this one on doing your own entertainment event, And if you like this article, you might also like related pieces on some of the other publications of the Media Arts Blog collection, that has the mission to create an online educational resource for businesses, nonprofits and entertainers. Articles related to event creation can be found at Realityify and Thrillumentary.

Plan the happening.

Select the medium that most resonates with you personally.

Consider doing workshops and seminars that focus on developing skills and approaches.

Panel discussions and Q&A sessions can be a fit depending on the demographic of your process to grow your own audience.

Select a place either in the digital domain or physical reality to hold your shindig.

Figure out what your narrative is drawing from your own life and experiences that have led you up to this point in time where you are now providing useful value to others.

Consider doing Interactive elements that encourage participation.

Be sure to consider creating networking moments where those who are attendees have an opportunity to chat with and get to know others who are a part of the same experience.